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Financial Statement Audit Coverage Plan for financial statement fiscal years ending in 2025, 2026, and 2027
The Financial Statement Audit Coverage Plan outlines how the Office of the Auditor General determines which government reporting entities’ financial statements will be audited by the office directly and which entities will be audited by private accounting firms.
Financial Statement Audit Coverage Plan for financial statement fiscal years ending in 2024, 2025, and 2026
The Financial Statement Audit Coverage Plan outlines how the Office of the Auditor General determines which government reporting entities’ financial statements will be audited by the office directly and which entities will be audited by private accounting firms. As required by the Auditor General Act, the coverage plan includes the next three fiscal years and is…
Financial Statement Audit Coverage Plan for fiscal years ending in 2023, 2024 and 2025
This plan is our annual plan for auditing the financial statements of more than 140 public-sector organizations included as part of the massive audit of government’s summary financial statements. It includes central government, Crown corporations, universities, colleges, school districts, health authorities and similar entities controlled by or accountable to the provincial government. The Financial Statement Audit Coverage…
Financial Statement Audit Coverage Plan for fiscal years ending in 2022, 2023 and 2024
Our annual audit of government’s summary financial statements is the largest financial audit in B.C. It encompasses central government plus over 140 other government organizations, including Crown corporations, universities, colleges, school districts, health authorities and similar entities that are controlled by or accountable to the provincial government. This Financial Statement Audit Coverage Plan outlines how we…
Financial Statement Audit Coverage Plan – Fiscal Years ending in 2021, 2022 and 2023
My office’s annual audit of government’s Summary Financial Statements is the largest financial audit in B.C. It encompasses central government plus over 140 other government organizations, including Crown corporations, universities, colleges, school districts, health authorities and similar entities that are controlled by or accountable to the provincial government. This Financial Statement Audit Coverage Plan outlines how…
Financial Statement Audit Coverage Plan 2019/20 – 2021/22
The Financial Statement Audit Coverage Plan outlines a three-year financial audit plan, detailing which government organizations our office will audit directly and which will be audited by private sector auditors. The plan is prepared according to the Auditor General Act and professional auditing standards, and presented to the Select Standing Committee on Public Accounts for approval.
Financial Statement Audit Coverage Plan 2018/19 – 2020/21
The Financial Statement Audit Coverage Plan outlines a three-year financial audit plan for the Auditor General, detailing which government organizations our office will audit directly and which will be audited by private sector auditors. The plan is prepared according to the Auditor General Act and professional auditing standards, and presented to the Select Standing Committee on…
Financial Statement Audit Coverage Plan 2017/18 – 2019/20
The Financial Statement Audit Coverage Plan outlines a three-year financial audit plan for the Auditor General, detailing which government organizations our office will audit directly and which will be audited by private sector auditors.
Financial Statement Audit Coverage Plan for Fiscal Years 2016-17 through 2018-19
Date: November 3, 2015 The Financial Statement Audit Coverage Plan outlines a three-year financial audit plan for the Auditor General, detailing which government organizations our Office will audit directly and which will be audited by private sector auditors. The plan is prepared according to the Auditor General Act and professional auditing standards, and presented to…
Financial Statement Audit Coverage Plan for Fiscal Years 2015/2016 through 2017/2018
The Financial Statement Audit Coverage Plan outlines a three-year financial audit plan for the Auditor General, detailing which government organizations our Office will audit directly and which will be audited by private sector auditors.